Addio Inq Mobile

di Redazione TecnoGazzetta


 ha chiuso i battenti, ieri 31 gennaio è stato l’ultimo giorno.

Un annuncio a tutta pagina sul sito ufficiale,, racconta la decisione ringraziando chi ha partecipato negli ultimi anni al progetto.

In Italia si ricordano i vari telefoni INQ Mobile entrati poi a listino H3G, cellulari che ora restano senza la casamadre.

Questo il messaggio, in lingua inglese, apparso online sul sito dell’azienda INQ: Inq has done some exciting and innovative things over the past few years, but we’ll be closing our doors on 31st January 2014. Material will serve its final editions on the 28th January and, whilst SO.HO will continue to function after our closure, it will not be updated after this point.

It’s been truly exciting for us to turn Material and SO.HO from ideas we dreamed up into functioning products used by people across the globe. We’d like to thank everyone who downloaded Material and SO.HO, the people who gave us feedback, worked with us and cheered us on along the way.

As neither Material nor SO.HO retained any personal data about you or your social network usage, then your social media secrets and details remain confidential to you. If you are a member of the press and have any questions please email press @

Making Material and creating SO.HO has been great. Thanks for being a part of it.

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